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I'm Dana! I cook simple, delicious recipes with three simple rules: I use only 1 bowl, up to 10 ingredients, and take just 30 minutes or less to prepare. Bon Appetit!

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Kerala Kappa Olarthiyathu (Kerala Tapioca Sauteed)

Kerala Kappa Olarthiyathu


Clean and cut the Kappa/Tapioca into small cubes – ½ kg

Turmeric powder – ¾ tsp

Onion cut into small pieces – 1 mediem sized

Green chilli cut into small pieces – 2 no.

Salt to taste

Mustard seeds – 1 tsp

Oil – 2 tbsp

Water – to cook the tapioca


Cook the cut kappa pieces in water with turmeric powder and salt. When cooked, drain away the excess water completely out. In a pan, heat oil, add mustard seeds and when it starts to splutter add in the cut onion pieces and green chillies and saute well, add in the cooked tapioca, add little salt to taste and saute nicely till done. Serve with chutney or coconut chammandhi.

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